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Getting an interstitial cystitis (IC) diagnosis can feel like stepping into an entirely new world filled with confusing advice, uncertainty, and the constant buzz of bladder discomfort. Trust me, I’ve been there. I suffered from bladder pain from childhood through age 27. When I was diagnosed with IC at age 18, I started what felt like an endless cycle of invasive medical treatments that didn’t help me and left me feeling hopeless.
I was able to get relief at age 26 after finding my root causes and addressing them (we’ll get into this more later). After navigating an IC diagnosis for almost a decade, I have both struggled and overcome this condition and now live a pain-free life. I’ve now helped hundreds of IC Warriors get relief from their symptoms and want to help you too!
In this blog post, you’ll find the steps I would take if I was hypothetically diagnosed with IC today. So knowing what I know now, here’s the exact roadmap I’d follow to feel empowered and start working toward relief!
Step 1: Make Sure I’m on Board with the Interstitial Cystitis Diagnosis
The first thing I’d ask myself is, “Does this diagnosis make sense?”
IC symptoms often overlap with other conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs), endometriosis, or even pelvic floor dysfunction. So, if I had any doubts, I’d get a second (or third) opinion from a urologist, urogynecologist, or other specialist who understands IC.
Pro tip: If a doctor diagnoses you without touching you or running tests to rule out other explanations from your symptoms, this is a red flag! Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself, because no one knows your body better than you! To educate yourself on the diagnostic process for IC, read these guidelines from the American Urologic Association.
Step 2: Book a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist
This would be non-negotiable. Pelvic floor dysfunction is a common driver of IC symptoms, yet it’s often overlooked. A pelvic floor physical therapist can help assess whether your muscles are too tight, too weak, or just not working the way they should. By learning how to relax and retrain those muscles, you could see big improvements in urgency, frequency, and pain. Education is power here.
Pelvic floor dysfunction was one of the main drivers of my bladder pain. My pelvic floor muscles were so tight and were irritating my bladder wall and causing the burning pain I felt during and immediately after urinating. Over the past 10 years I’ve seen 5 different pelvic PT’s and each practitioner had a unique approach to treatment. If you want to learn more about what to expect during pelvic floor PT, listen to this podcast interview I did with Dr. Janelle Howell, DPT.
Step 3: Evaluate My Stress Levels
Stress and IC go hand in hand—your bladder and nervous system are BFFs (but sometimes, they’re a toxic couple). Stress is my biggest trigger, and learning ways to cope with stress and prevent major blow ups has been one of the most helpful things on my IC journey. I learned about something called “nervous system dysregulation”, which essentially means my nervous system was stuck in a state of fight or flight for the majority of my life and this contributed to my painful flare-ups.
Here are some resources that helped me regulate my nervous system (which by the way is still a work in progress):
Reading the books “The Way Out” by Alan Gordon and "The Pain Reprocessing Therapy Workbook" by Vanessa Blackstone, MSW, and Olivia S. Sinaiko, LPC.
Downloading the app “Curable”. Here’s a link for 6 weeks free.
Courses/programs like “Rewire” by Lindsay Mitchell and SmartBody SmartMind™ by Irene Lyon, MSc.
Instagram accounts such as: @healwithgrace, @thathealingfeeling, @iamjenmann, @myvitalside, @alangordon
If I was just diagnosed with IC and identified that my stress levels were sky-high—and let’s be real, a new diagnosis is stressful—I’d create a plan to:
Set boundaries and say no to things that drain my energy
Start using tools to regulate my nervous system, like deep breathing, gentle yoga, meditation, and the strategies I mentioned above
Prioritize rest and self-care without guilt
Reducing stress isn’t just “fluff” or “woo woo” (I used to believe this)—it’s a critical step toward calming your bladder.
Step 4: Take a Look at My Diet
I wouldn’t dive headfirst into an “IC diet”—those lists of what you “can” and “can’t eat can feel overwhelming and overly restrictive. I know this because I completely panicked when my urologist told me to stop drinking coffee and eating my favorite foods, like chocolate. I also developed severe food fear that led to some scary restrictive tendencies that ended up causing nutrient deficiencies. Trust me, you don’t want that!
What I want you to know about the IC diet is it is not backed by strong scientific evidence. Yes, food can absolutely be a factor for your IC, but in my experience, not everyone with IC is diet-sensitive. For now, I’d focus on staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet with minimal processed food. If you’re consuming a lot of coffee, alcohol, carbonation, spicy food, tomatoes or citrus, I would start to cut back on these items. I would NOT go cold turkey on these foods and drinks, especially since I personally have a history of disordered eating.
The bottom line about diet and IC: food can absolutely play a role in IC, but it’s not the only piece of the puzzle. Down the line, I’d consider implementing an elimination diet to pinpoint any potential triggers, but for now, I’d keep it simple and sustainable.
One more thing about diet: even if you are sensitive to certain foods now, that doesn’t mean you’ll be sensitive to them forever. I’ve witnessed many of my clients with diet sensitivities completely overcome them after finding and addressing their root cause(s). I’ll cover more on that in Step 5.
Step 5: Investigate My Root Cause
Here’s the truth: IC isn’t a one-size-fits-all condition. There is no cookie cutter approach that works for everyone. The key to lasting relief is figuring out your root cause(s) - AKA what is causing your bladder symptoms? For me, it was a combination of nervous system dysregulation and pelvic floor dysfunction. I treated these root causes with an approach that combined pelvic floor physical therapy, regulating my nervous system, and nourishing my body.
Nervous system dysregulation and pelvic floor dysfunction are the top root causes among my clients as well. Other potential root causes include hormone imbalances, gut health issues, overlapping conditions like endometriosis or vulvodynia, histamine issues, and generalized inflammation.
If you want relief, you need to figure out what’s causing your symptoms. This step takes time, but it’s where the magic happens—when you address the root cause, you can finally stop chasing temporary fixes and start seeing real progress. If you want to learn more on how to do this, I’m hosting a FREE master class on February 11th at 7pm EST called Blueprint To Bladder Relief. I’ll cover how to find your root cause and get relief from your bladder symptoms in the next 3-6 months.
Step 6: Find Support
IC can feel isolating, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Having at least one person who truly understands what you’re going through can make all the difference. Whether it’s joining a support group, working with a coach, or connecting with others in my Road to Remission program, community is the glue that holds everything together.
Pro tip: Be careful with forums like Facebook support groups and Reddit. While there can be helpful information and camaraderie on these forums, you will also find misinformation and people who are feeling hopeless. If you’re not in the right mental headspace, you may not want to jump into these platforms yet.
If you have anyone in your personal life with IC, talk to them! Or you could find one or two friends from online forums and create a private chat with them.
Whatever support you choose, make sure they believe they (and you) can get relief from this condition. You don’t want to surround yourself with people who think they’re bound to suffer forever.
Step 7: Adjust your mindset
No matter what anyone tells you, you CAN get relief from interstitial cystitis. Remission (or significant symptom relief) is possible and I would recommend maintaining an optimistic mindset. Will there be bumps in the road? Absolutely! But how you bounce back from that (this is where a support system can be helpful) will determine how quickly you will get relief.
What I Would NOT Do To Get Relief From IC
Now, here’s a big one. If I were diagnosed today, I wouldn’t:
Immediately buy a bunch of supplements I read about online (looking at you, random Reddit recommendations). Not every supplement is safe or effective, and blindly experimenting can waste time and money.
Trust everything I read in Facebook groups or forums. While they can be a great source of community, they’re also full of misinformation.
Jump into restrictive diets (like low-oxalate or gluten-free). These diets are not evidence-based for IC relief, are usually unnecessary, and can come with a host of risks, like unintentional weight loss, nutrient deficiencies, and the development of food fear. If you want to explore diet, I’d suggest working with a Registered Dietitian, but keep in mind that most RD’s are unfamiliar with IC (hence why you should hire me💁🏼♀️)
I say this with love: there’s no magic pill for IC, and bad advice can set you back. Stick to evidence-based guidance. If you’re not sure about a health claim, ask the person making the claim to share their source. If they can’t or refuse to, that’s a red flag!
Ready to Take Control of Your IC Symptoms?
Register for my free master class, Blueprint To Bladder Relief, happening on Tuesday, February 11th at 7pm EST. We’ll cover:
Why restrictive diets aren’t the answer: Learn why cutting out more foods and limiting fluids won’t bring relief—and what to focus on instead.
The key root causes of IC and OAB: Discover the real issues driving your symptoms (hint: it’s not just your bladder) and how to address them for lasting relief.
Your step-by-step plan for 2025: Walk away with a clear, actionable blueprint to calm urgency, reduce frequency, and reclaim your freedom—without fear or constant restrictions.
Remember, your diagnosis doesn’t define you. Relief is possible—it just takes the right steps, the right support, and a little patience. You’ve got this. ❤️
About The Author:

Callie Krajcir, MS, RD, The Bladder Dietitian®, is a Registered Dietitian and leading expert in bladder health. Living with interstitial cystitis (IC) her entire life has fueled her passion for helping others with IC and related conditions like overactive bladder, chronic UTIs, and incontinence. Callie is the founder of Callie K Nutrition, the IC You Podcast, and social media platforms (@callieknutrition) that have empowered hundreds to find relief from bladder pain, urgency, and frequency through practical diet and lifestyle changes. She also serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for the Interstitial Cystitis Association, advocating for awareness and better care for those living with IC. Callie's Road To Remission and OAB Freedom programs have helped hundreds of women with interstitial cystitis and overactive bladder get relief from their symptoms and get their life back!