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Life’s waiting for you… just outside the bathroom door

You don’t need to deal with Overactive Bladder (OAB) alone. And it shouldn’t be a life sentence. Let’s find the real cause of your symptoms so you can finally get relief.

OAB can make you feel like you’re in a toxic relationship with your toilet.


It’s calling you all hours of the day and night… And half the time it’s playing a not-so-fun game of "just kidding!"


But the exhaustion and discomfort is only the beginning.


Dealing with OAB can make you feel hopeless and alone - like there’s no end in sight.


The medical gaslighting is real. And doctors can be dismissive of your symptoms.


Or they prescribe pricey medications and invasive procedures. And sometimes the side effects are worse than living with OAB in the first place.


You feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.


You’re overwhelmed and confused by all the conflicting information online. You don’t know who to trust.


You feel isolated and you keep missing out on life’s biggest moments because you’re worried about the bathroom situation (or God forbid, the porta potty situation).


Nobody understands what you’re going through.


More than anything, you’re worried you’ll never find relief. That you’ll never be able to travel, have meaningful relationships, or live a normal life.


Stop letting your bladder call all the shots.


What if you had the support of The Bladder Dietitian and a group of other OAB Warriors who get it on your side so you could…


  • Free yourself from the toilet, reclaim your social calendar, and live life on your own terms.

  • Feel confident, never again worrying whether you’ll make it to the bathroom in time.

  • Live spontaneously - and stop being that friend who maps out all the rest stops.

  • Sleep through the night without any rude interruptions or close calls.

  • Add your favorite foods and beverages (hello, coffee and alcohol) back into your diet.

Hi, I’m Callie, The Bladder Dietitian™

I’ve had issues with my own bladder for most of my life. From pain to urgency to non-stop peeing, I never felt ‘normal’.


Finally, when I was 18, I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis.


But after some traumatic treatments, my frequency and urgency got worse - leading to a diagnosis of OAB.


My freshman year of college, I was running down the hall from my dorm to the bathroom all night long.


It got so bad that I kept a red solo cup next to my bed so I could pee and actually get some sleep.

The whole experience was embarrassing and demoralizing.


Doctors didn’t know what to do with me and kept prescribing more medications, supplements, and procedures that just didn’t work.


In my sophomore year I started physical therapy, bladder training, and regulating my nervous system.


I was able to finally get relief from my symptoms.


After I passed my board exam to become a Registered Dietitian, I made it my mission to help others get relief.


Through elimination diets, coaching, and community support, I helped 100s of people find relief (and in many cases remission!) from Interstitial Cystitis in just 3 months.


But I noticed no one was really offering anything like this for the OAB community.


The truth is, procedures, medications, and supplements often don’t work. And they’re expensive - with nasty side effects.


And dietary changes only work if you know how to properly conduct an elimination diet to discover your triggers.

The ONLY way to get real, lasting relief from OAB is to treat the triggers, not the symptoms.


That’s why I created OAB Freedom, a transformational, holistic program based on science, and customized to your unique needs.

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Introducing OAB Freedom

Discover the root cause of your OAB, treat it, and get relief with this science-backed program. Choose from two options based on the level of support you need:

OAB Freedom

For the OAB Warrior who’s ready to fast-track their relief with coaching, support, and guidance.

An elimination diet plan simplified to meet you where you’re at - so you can find your unique triggers. Got a big vacation, holiday, or other event coming up? No worries - we’ll help you navigate it with confidence.

Two 1:1 coaching calls with a Registered Dietitian so you can get the personal support you need.

Weekly group coaching calls for guidance, support, and accountability throughout your journey so you can stay on track.

Food logs & symptom tracker PLUS weekly reviews from our team so you can get clarity on what’s working and what’s not.

Unlimited access to our private Facebook group, where you can get all your questions answered and find a supportive community of people who GET it.

LIFETIME support and access* so you can rest easy knowing you’ll have the tools and community you need if you have future flare-ups.

OAB-friendly recipe database so you can beat food fear for good, and enjoy meal-time again.

Online portal for holistic education on everything from mindset to lifestyle changes so you can feel empowered to tackle your root cause(s) and get relief.

What clients are saying!

Makenna's Story

Jessie's Story

Ivana's Story

Sounds great! So what’s it all cost?

Living with OAB is expensive.


Medications can cost $100s a month, even with insurance. And the side effects can be miserable.


Botox injections can cost up to $3,000 a year. And can sometimes make your symptoms worse.


1:1 support from a Registered Dietitian (who doesn’t even specialize in bladder conditions) will set you back $100-$200 per hour.


It all adds up.


But you can join OAB Freedom for as little as $267 a month!



Pay in Full



3 Monthly Payments

$499/month x 3 months


6 Monthly Payments

$267/month x 6 months

The No One Left Behind Guarantee

Still on the fence?

I get it. Nothing’s worked before, so you’re skeptical.

But, I’ve helped 100s of clients with bladder conditions find relief in just 3 months!

And I’m so confident that it will work for you, too.

That’s why we don’t give up on anyone. Our team will continue to support you and work with you until you get the relief that you’re looking for. All that we ask of you is that you actively go through the program and put the work in.

And, of course, everyone who joins gets lifetime support and program access.

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I used to experience 24/7 constant urgency and pressure that would never go away. I wasn’t able to hangout with friends or even travel. I would cry every single day for hours. It was absolutely awful.


Now? My symptoms are SO much better. I’m having more good days than bad days! I now understand that my nervous system was about 95% of the problem. If it weren’t for Callie, I would still be getting dry needling, physical therapy, bladder instillations, every possible pill that I thought would work but more than likely just made things worse and just so many other treatments that failed me.


I recently went to Mexico!! I was able to ride on a plane, drive to Chicago for a whole weekend trip/concert, be around friends, be more active, sea glass looking, and guess what else? I’m eating a lot of foods that I cut out for so long. Ketchup, pizza, mayo, chips and so many yummy foods! I’ve been able to drink alcohol too which is something I cut out completely for years.

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Before working with Callie, I was going to the restroom around 40 times a day. I had gotten to the point that I was bedridden most days. My life was very depressing, and I had lost value in myself and lost hope. I believed fully that I was going to be as sick as I was the for the rest of my life. Now, my symptoms are so much better it is actually shocking.

I’m currently able to sleep through the night. I’m able to be more available to my friends and family for when they may need me or for fun things. I am able to enjoy my life and actually get things done throughout the day and not be stuck in bed. I am able to get a flare under control and not be stuck in bed with it for weeks. I am able to go places where I don’t feel afraid of waiting in line at the bathroom because it's under control.


I also have gotten a better relationship with myself through this program where I’ve been able to actually value myself again. I wasn’t even taking pride in caring for myself the way I should because I had literally lost hope. And now, I have a very bright future with all the tools I didn’t have before.


My mental health was literally in the toilet when I started working with Callie. There is hardly a way to quantify how much better my mental health is now. I would say that I do not feel afraid of my symptoms anymore, I feel confident in myself!

Image of a Callie K Nutrition client with interstitial cystitis

Amy H.

Before I found Callie I had been severely restricting my diet for 2 years because no one explained to me that you should eventually add foods back in to your diet. They make you feel like you had to be on this restrictive diet permanently. This made me extremely depressed, have major food fear, and I was not doing things I loved to do. I was feeling hopeless that I was going to have such a poor quality of life for the rest of my life. 

While working with Callie I was able to figure out that I actually was not very food sensitive but had other non diet triggers that were causing my issues. This gave me the confidence to eat again. I started addressing my biggest triggers like stress, pelvic floor dysfunction, and hormones. Once I did that, I started feeling normal again.

I really enjoyed working with Callie and Beverly. They encouraged and supported me the whole way, and whenever I ran into some hiccups they helped me figure out what the issue could be, and gave me excellent tips to continue healing and moving forward.

The videos helped educate me on things I had no idea could be problems and saved me so much time instead of hours of googling. The support calls were amazing at helping me gain the support I needed. Everyone is always so kind and willing to listen and help in anyway they can. It was so nice to not feel alone.

If anyone is thinking about joining, I would say don’t hesitate one moment longer. You are worth the cost of this program and IF you put the effort and work into this program the way it’s intended, I do think you will get some relief and figure out your unique puzzle to recovery.

What to Expect

Once you sign up, you’ll:


Schedule your 1st 1:1 with Callie where you'll discuss how the program will be personalized to you.


Start investigating your root cause & get relief!

If you have any questions or if you would like to talk to Callie to see whether this is the right fit, please send her a message on instagram, @callieknutrition

From “Gotta Go” to “Let’s Go”

Stop living on your bladder’s terms and live life YOUR way. After OAB Freedom, you’ll:

  • Fully understand what’s causing your symptoms so you can get real, lasting relief

  • Reclaim your zzz's from those midnight bathroom trips

  • Start ticking adventures off your bucket list - without worrying about the nearest rest stop

  • Eat and drink your favorite foods and drinks with confidence

  • Have a supportive community of other OAB Warriors on your side for life

  • Feel empowered so you never have to be gaslit by doctors again

Don’t waste another day with your bladder living rent-free in your mind

It’s time to friend-zone the toilet.

Join OAB Freedom and get:

An elimination diet plan that meets your unique needs

2 one on one coaching calls with a Registered Dietitian

Weekly group coaching calls

Unlimited, lifetime support*

A community of OAB Warriors worldwide who GET it

Video classes covering everything from mindset to your sex life

*Lifetime support and access is offered for the lifetime of the OAB Freedom program.


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