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Live Life On Your Own Terms… Not Your Bladder’s

Whether you have Interstitial Cystitis (IC) or Overactive Bladder (OAB), it’s time to find real, lasting relief so you can stop feeling chained to the toilet and fearlessly say YES to the things you want in life.

(FREE Quiz)

What's holding you back from IC relief?

If you're struggling to get IC relief, take this quick quiz to find out why …and what you can do about it.

Disclaimer: This quiz is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice.

The people have spoken...

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How Jessie minimized her interstitial cystitis symptoms & got her life back

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How Road To Remission helped Gianna cut her interstitial cystitis pain in HALF

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How Amy went from eating the same 10 foods for 2 years to REMISSION from Interstitial Cystitis in just 3 months

My Story

Hi, I’m Callie, The Bladder Dietitian®️!


And I’m one of only TWO RDs in the world specializing solely in IC and bladder issues.


But I’m also a fellow IC warrior myself. So I know what it feels like to battle that fiery, sriracha crotch pain every. freaking. day.


And I spent many years worrying that I’d never find relief.


Because doctors were always gaslighting me or recommending unnecessary invasive treatments… that still didn’t work.


And it was impossible to find reliable information online.


I thought I was doomed to spend my days chained to the toilet. And that I’d never be able to travel, freely hang out with friends, or spontaneously go out to dinner.


But when I finally became a Registered Dietitian (after getting my MA, completing a 1,200 hr intensive internship, and passing the state board exam), I took things into my own hands.


I discovered my triggers and started saying HELL YES to the things I wanted in life.


Today, I’m 95% pain-free!


And I made it my mission to help others achieve the same.


The thing is, most doctors don’t take IC seriously and they use a blanket approach to treatment.


I’ve discovered that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to relief. But that doesn’t mean it should be a guessing game.


I look at it like a science experiment and take a systematic, holistic approach. 


And many of my clients have reached remission within 3-6 months of working with me.


You deserve to understand exactly what your triggers are so you can live life to the fullest. Because taking Prelief with every meal is so not the vibe.


Ready to take back control of your life?

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